Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Up Close View of the Human Eye

I thought this was amazing.  Its a high definition close up view of the human eye.

Study Abroad, Full Year, Next Year

I have been planning to study abroad for a long time.  It's a dream of mine to see the world and experience foreign cultures.  Probably why I want to be an attache haha.  I plan to either go to Milan Italy, somewhere in Germany, Prague Czech Republic, or maybe even Hong Kong or Tokyo.  I'm not 100% sure yet.  One thing though; this is HARD.  Like really, really hard.  Its all on you and you get very minimal help on how to do it.  I'm an officer in the study abroad club and I'm still having problems, especially with the German schools.  Most have the classes available in English or French, both languages I can speak, but the course list is all in German.  I know almost no German at all.  Its so frustrating and I've spent the past month on the computer almost every day tying to figure it out for hours.  I refuse to give up though.  Its a once in a lifetime opportunity.