Friday, September 21, 2012

Racial Portrait of Lower Burrell, PA

                In Lower Burrell racial diversity was virtually non-existent, especially in school. We had a total of 4 black students and9 Chinese students out of

Always Waiting for the Alarm

Almost every single morning I wake up at least 10 minutes  before my alarm clock goes off.  So today as I was laying in my bed with my eyes closed, dreading the screech of my alarm clock, I thought "how much time do I waste just laying here in a year?"  So I decided to do some calculations;
10 minutes a day, 5 days a week= 50 minutes, almost a whole hour a week.
50 minutes x 4 (4 weeks in a month)= 3.33 hours a month
3.3 hours x 9(school months, because lets face it, I don't get up till 1 during the summer)= 30 hours...

I spend more than a whole day arguing with myself to get out of bed in 9 months...  


The Great Municipality of Lower Burrell, PA
            Lower Burrell, located just outside of Pittsburgh, PA, is a small city with close to 12,000 residents.  Lower Burrell is a somewhat depressed town that has lost a huge amount of its economic growth because

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


In 1904 an apprentice pharmacist by the name of David Strickler created the first Banana Split in Westmoreland County, Latrobe.  Originally it was only served on Sundays, until one day a young girl walked into the pharmacy and said that they could just pretend it was Sunday, after which it was served every day.  The ice cream dish cost 10 cents at the time, which was about double as much as any other dish.  The new creation attracted students from the local St. Vincent College and became an instant hit.  Latrobe was declared the birthplace of the Banana split in 2004 by the NICRA (National Ice Cream Retailers Association).  Very shortly after its creation, it spread around the country and ended up in Boston where one ice cream salesman made it with a single flaw; he served the sundae with unpeeled Bananas.  Once he eventually found out people preferred their bananas peeled, he complied and helped make the Banana Split what it is today.

Well... um.... hey