Saturday, December 8, 2012


I don't know what it is about cats, but they are by far one of my favorite animals.  I've had both cats and dogs, as well as lizards, hamsters, rabbits, and even a chinchilla while growing up and cats are by far the best (although they're quite close to my chinchilla Bindi).  I guess I just love how curious they are, and how you NEVER have ANY idea what they're going to do next.  I love how they try and be sneaky around the house, then jump out and try to play with you.  And I also love how much of a spaz they all are.  Look at the cat in the picture.  His name is Maru, and like all cats he loves boxes.  A cat will try and climb into any box, regardless of size.  Its absolutely hysterical, and cats just make me laugh.

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